At the time, I had a huge pile of flannel shirts on the floor. What to do? Civic minded individuals would donate them to the less fortunate. However, being the crafty (read: selfish) person that I am, I decided that if I shouldn't wear them then maybe my drink coasters should.
Estimated cost: 5$ for cork (Staples), and the opportunity cost of not wearing flannel shirts
Time commitment: 5 minutes
It was a simple enough idea: cut the pockets off the shirts, slide cut pieces of cork into them, and close the buttons. The best part is now when I spill alcoh... I mean... "cold beverages" on them, I can just take the cork out, launder them and then put the cork back in. Good as new, or as new as a pocket from a heavily worn shirt can be.
I thought I was being super clever with this idea, until I went on Etsy and discovered that this has been done 80+ times before. They even have jean coasters. These people think of everything!
If you have some undesirable shirts to get rid of, why not try this idea? Make a set of four, and give it as a gift! This can help assuage the guilt associated with not donating (or not wearing) the shirts. Happy crafting!
P.S. - I would save the leftover shirt material after the pockets are removed. I'm sure we can use it for something else later on #craftfortomorrow. (Note: not a real hashtag, or at least not one I'm starting).
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